Initiate REC Transfers to Another Account Holder:
- Go to the Account Status module in NAR and click the hyperlinked REC quantity in the ‘Active’ row as shown below:
- Select one or more blocks of RECs for transfer and click the ‘Batch Transfer’ button
- Select the ‘Another Account Holder’ radio button transfer option, select the Account Holder from the drop down, and click the ‘Submit’ button to initiate transfer.
- After clicking the ‘Submit’ button, a pop-up box will appear to confirm action. To execute the transfer, click the ‘OK’ button to transfer the RECs to the designated transfer option.
Note: After initiating a REC transfer to another Account Holder, the transferred RECs are marked as “Pending” in the Transferor’s Outbox until the Transferee either accepts or rejects the transfer. If rejected, the RECs will be returned to the Active Sub-account from which they were transferred.