Account holder will be able to create forward certificate transfer after their project is approved. The Transferor will follow the steps below to create a Forward Certificate Transfer.
1. Navigate to the Recurring Transfer module. Click on "Create New Forward Transfer".
2. Next the account holder will fill out any asterisk items and designate the transferee via the account holder drop down. Hit save at the bottom of the screen.
- New Transfer Name/Alias: It can be any name that the Transferor wants.
- Asset: Select the asset you want the certificates to be forwarded from the drop-down list.
- Active Sub-Account: Select this option if you want to automated RECS to be transfer to an active sub-account.
- Account Holder: Select the account holder from the drop-down list you want to send certificates to.
- Percent/Fixed: Transferor will fill in either field. If the account holder wants to transfer all their certificates, they will enter in 100 in the percent field. If they want to transfer a fixed number of RECs they will use the fixed field.
- Begin/End Vintage: Select the start/end of forward certificate transfer by filling in the Begin/End Vintage from the drop down. Please ensure the begin vintage is an active period in which certificates have not been issued. For example: The current date is 4/23/2021. If certificates have already been issued for 3/2021 you should not use 03/2021 vintage for the begin date since those certificates have been issued already. You should use 04/2021 vintage instead. If you have certificates that have already been issued, you can manually transfer them to the transferee.
- Priority: You can leave blank.
- All or Nothing/Partial Fill: Transferor can designate if they want to transfer all their certificates with the all or nothing or partial fill.
- Irrevocable Forward Transfer (IFT): By selecting this option, once the forward transfer has been accepted by the Transferee, it cannot be modified or cancelled by either parties. The two parties must agree to the cancellation and contact the NAR administrator to remove the forward certificate transfer.
3. Review the information in the Forward Certificate Transfers Review Report. Hit the home button after you are finished in the top left-hand corner. All forward certificate status will be set to Pending. Please follow up with the Transferee to ensure they accept the forward transfer in their account for it to be active for the designated begin and end vintage.
Note: When the transferee accepts the forward certificate transfer, the transferor will receive a notification via email. Additionally if there are any mistakes on the forward transfer you will need to delete the forward transfer. We do not allow modifying of forward transfers once they are created.