The Reporting Entity of the Asset reports generation data into NAR. If you are a registered QRE, please ensure you are logged into the reporting entity account and not your REC account if you have multiple accounts.
Self-reporting is only allowed for assets under 1mw in name plate capacity. This means you are verifying and uploading the meter data into NAR for your own asset. Note: you are not self-reporting if APX, Inc. is your QRE.
There are two ways to report data into the Registry: Manual Generation Data Loading by Asset or via Batch Upload for multiple Assets simultaneously.
Generation Data Manual Loading:
- Go to the Meter Data Loading module and click the ‘Asset’ hyperlink under the Asset column as shown below.
- In the Self-Reporting/Facility/Project Output Data Review screen, click the ‘Add New Output’ button.
- In the Self-Reporting/Facility/Project Output Data Accept-Dispute screen, enter data for the required fields.
- Click the ‘Submit’ button.
- After clicking the ‘Submit’ button, a pop-up box will appear to confirm action. Click the ‘OK’ button to load the generation data for the asset.
Note: Generation data that is loaded and that passes the feasibility validation will automatically be placed in “NAR Accepted” status for review. Before RECs are issued, the Reporting Entity can either resubmit or delete Generation data.
Generation Data Batch Upload:
- Create a CSV file for Generation Data Batch Upload. You can request a copy of the CSV file from the NAR admin. The fields in the Generation Data Batch Upload CSV file must contain:
- NAR ID: If your generator ID is GEN2146, enter in 2146
- Reporting Entity Unit ID: You can find this ID on the Meter Loading module. Enter it exactly as it is shown on the module.
- Vintage: mm/01/yyyy is the correct format to enter it in. The day 01 applies to all twelve months. You can also simply place the vintage year.
- Start Date: mm/01/yyyy is the correct format to enter it in.
- End Date: mm/dd/yyyy is the correct format to enter in.
- Total MWh: Enter the data in MWh only, no KWh.
Note: You can only upload meter data for a single year at a time. For example, you cannot upload both 2023 and 2024 data within the same CSV. file.
- Go to the Meter Data Loading module in NAR, under the ‘Year’ drop-down, select the year, select either the ‘Generation’ or ‘Adjustment’ Radio Button, and click the ‘Choose File’ button to locate the file.
- Click the ‘Upload’ button to upload the Generation Data Batch Upload file.
- After clicking the ‘Upload’ button, a confirmation screen will appear to display and confirm the results of the upload.
Note: If there are any issues with the upload, an error message will appear in the Comment section and the file will not be uploaded. If you continue to have issues, please reach out to the NAR administrator.