1. Review Registry Operating Document
You should first review the following registry operating documents:
2. Online registration
Go to the following website: https://narenewables2.apx.com/mymodule/mypage.asp
Click on “Register for North American Renewables Registry”
3. Complete Account Application
Review items 1 through 8 and then select the appropriate Account Type= (i.e. General Account) and click “Continue NAR Registration”
Here is a list of all the account types and definition.
General Account: This account type offers full functionality, meaning the ability to transfer in and out RECs, register projects of all sizes and retire RECs on behalf of others. This account type is best for companies who want full flexibility to manage their RECs and projects.
Project Account: This account type can register projects of all sizes and transfer RECs out, but cannot have RECs transferred in or retire RECs on behalf of others. This account type is best for companies who only want to register projects for REC issuance in their account, and deliver those RECs to their off taker’s NAR account.
Retail Purchaser Account: This account type can have RECs transferred in and retire RECs on behalf of others, but cannot transfer RECs out or register projects larger than 1 MW in nameplate capacity. This account is best for companies taking delivery of RECs and retiring RECs towards their own commitments, or on behalf of others.
Energy Efficiency Account: This account type is specifically intended for registering energy efficiency projects, and issuing Energy Efficiency Credits (EECs). This account type cannot register non-energy efficiency projects, have RECs transferred in or retire RECs on behalf of others.
Qualified Reporting Entity (QRE)/ Verifier Account: This account type’s sole purpose is to upload MWhs into NAR. This account type cannot register projects or manage RECs in any way.
Program Administrator Account: This account type gives the entities who are administrators of compliance and voluntary REC programs the ability to oversee REC activity in NAR as it relates to their specific REC program. Please contact the NAR administrator for more information about tracking new REC programs in NAR.
More details on the different account types can be found in the Operating Rules and Terms of Use.
Your next step after clicking “Continue NAR Registration” is to read and agree to the Registry Terms of Use:
- Review each section and indicate your acceptance of each section by checking “I Agree” to the left.
- Click the “I Agree” button to accept the Terms of Use.
Upon accepting the Terms of Use, the next screen shows the online New Account Application Form.
- Complete all required fields which are noted by an asterisk (*) and click “Submit”.
- Upon completion, you will receive an e-mail notification to activate the account. This activation must occur before the Registry Administrator is notified of your pending account.
This is an important last step. Please take note of the email you registered with and the Login Name entered and the password.
You will be sent a final step activation email to the email address provided above:
Please be sure to find the activation email and click activate and login to your account using the credentials that were created in the 'New Account Application Form'.
A sample is provided below:
If you have trouble finding the email, please check your spam box. Once that’s complete, a NAR administrator will review your account for approval.
4. Account Review
The Registry Administrator will review the account application.
- If the account application is complete and approved, an email notification describing account approval will be sent to the designated Account Manager E-mail address provided in the New Account Application form.
- If materials are incomplete or additional information is required, the Administrator will notify the Account Manager.
Approved accounts may begin using all functions of the system available to their User Type.