- To register a new Aggregated Project, go to the Asset Management module in NAR and click the ‘Register New Asset’ hyperlink as shown below:
- In the New Asset Registration screen, select the Aggregated Project Asset Type and enter data into all fields denoted with an asterisk. Once complete, click the ‘Next’ button to continue with the asset registration.
- In the Generator/Project Information screen, User has two options to add aggregated units: Manual or Batch Upload. Here is Manual Upload option.
- Manually add aggregated units. To do this, Click the ‘Add’ button and enter all the fields on the table to add the Aggregated Unit.
- Repeat this step until all aggregated units are added.
- Once complete, click the ‘Next’ button to continue with the asset registration.
- Here is the Batch Upload Aggregated Units option.
- Create a CSV file and enter all the fields for each aggregated unit. Below are the fields that are required for the CSV file:
- Unit Name
- Unit Owner
- Nameplate Capacity (MW)
- COD (mm/dd/yyyy)
- Address
- City
- State/Province
- Zip Code/Postal Code
- Meter ID
- Meter Manufacturer
- Meter Type/Protocol
- Create a CSV file and enter all the fields for each aggregated unit. Below are the fields that are required for the CSV file:
* Please avoid using quotation in these fields
- In the Generator/Project Information screen, click the ‘Upload File’ button.
- In the Upload Aggregated Generators screen, click the ‘Browse’ button to locate and select the upload file.
- Click the ‘Upload File’ button to upload aggregated units to the Generator/Project Information screen.
- Review the aggregated units uploaded to the Generator/Project Information screen.
- Once complete, click the ‘Next’ button to continue with the asset registration.
- Note: If the ‘Overwrite’ checkbox is selected, the Batch upload file will overwrite any existing data that was previously loaded.
5. In the Generator/Project Registration screen, enter data into all fields denoted with an asterisk and click the ‘Next’ button to continue with the asset registration.
Note: Under the Reporting Entity and State/Provincial/Voluntary Admin Access section, User must assign the Reporting Entity that is responsible for reporting generation data for the asset.
6. In the Generator/Project Information screen, select the ‘Yes’ Radio Button for the REC State/Provincial/Voluntary Eligibilities that apply for the asset.
7. Once all the required data has been entered in Asset Registration, click the ‘Submit for Approval’ button to create the new Asset.
8. After User clicks the ‘Submit for Approval’ button, a confirmation message appears to inform the User that the Asset has been created and is pending approval by the NAR Administrator.
Note: At any time during this process, the User can click the ‘Save’ button and return to the Asset to complete the registration at a later time. The User should only click the ‘Submit for Approval’ button when all the necessary information is entered and is ready for Asset to be created.