The Asset Management module is used to register and manage NAR Assets. Before registering a new Asset, make sure the Asset you are registering does not already appear on the list of previously registered Assets.
Renewable Energy Generator
- To register a new Renewable Energy Generator Asset, go to the Asset Management module and click the ‘Register New Asset’ hyperlink as shown below:
- In the New Asset Registration screen, select the Renewable Energy Generator Asset Type and enter data into all fields denoted with an asterisk. Once complete, click the ‘Next’ button to continue with the asset registration. Note: If account holders do not want RECs to be available in the public report, do not click on the box for Show Certificates issued on Public Report.
- Optionally enter the relevant Long Term Agreement information. Click the Create link under the Automatic Transfer column to schedule the automatic transfers to the project off takers.
- Enter and submit the relevant details of the automatic transfer within the following screen. The automatic transfer will be presented to the REC off taker upon the project being approved by the NAR administrator.
- In the Generator/Project Registration screen, enter data into all fields denoted with an asterisk and click the ‘Next’ button to continue with the asset registration. Note: Under the Reporting Entity and State/Provincial/Voluntary Admin Access section, User must assign the Reporting Entity that is responsible for reporting generation data for the asset.
- In the Generator/Project Registration screen, enter data into all fields denoted with an asterisk and click the ‘Next’ button to continue with the asset registration.
- Once all the required data has been entered in Asset Registration, click the ‘Submit for Approval’ button to create the new Asset.
- After User clicks the ‘Submit for Approval’ button, a confirmation message appears to inform the User that the Asset has been created and is pending approval by the NAR Administrator.
- Note: At any time during this process, the User can click the ‘Save’ button and return to the Asset to complete the registration at a later time. The User should only click the ‘Submit for Approval’ button when all the necessary information is entered and is ready for Asset to be created.